Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Assignment #2 - High Key / Low Key

This assignment is basically two assignments in one. Treat it as such and it will be easier to break down.

Have I taught you the bracketing procedure yet? No? Ok, don't freak out and see if you can figure out what I'm asking here. If you can't figure it out, don't freak out and plan on learning a LOT this week in class.

You will shoot high-key and low-key images. What is high-key? The majority of the image (95%+) will be tones of light gray to white. It will help you to think of shooting white objects placed on a white background. So, then the opposite of high-key is low-key right? Think of low key as dark gray-ish to black objects. Shoot your dark objects placed on a dark background. You might need a tripod/beanbag for these shots.

For both of your shots you will want to pay close attention to the background. Don't let stray light/objects ruin your clean shot. Also it helps to isolate the objects by getting close. Take a look at the examples below.

You will want to shoot both of your high-key and low-key shots using the bracketing technique that we learned. Go from very very VERY underexposed all the way to very very VERY overexposed for each of the shots...both high-key *and* low-key.

Using the extreme bracketing you will find that buried somewhere in those images is a nearly perfect exposure. That will be your starting point. We will take those good exposures into post-production in the studio.

Here are some examples:

Yes, this is an assignment that I even give to my basic black and white high school film class. Here's the proof...

Things you will definitely want to be paying attention to:

Focus - make 'em sharp!

Light - will make or break the entire assignment. Move the light around the objects if you are shooting indoors...move the objects around into different light if you are shooting outdoors.

We will lecture and show examples of this in class. This WILL BE an assignment you will want to go back and re-shoot a few times. Don't consider doing it wrong the first time a failure...consider it good practice.


Shoot in RAW
Shoot in Color
Shoot using Manual Mode
Bracket the living heck out of these shots
Shoot using Manual Focus
Shoot images that are interesting to look at

Blog: One post containing two high-key and two low-key images, also put some examples of the exposures that your camera told you were 'correct'.

Write a little about what you learned.

Due Date: Wednesday, May 28th.

Enjoy your weekend!

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